Cryoskin Facial in Northern Va, Convenient to McLean, Tysons, Vienna
Dubbed the non-surgical facelift , the Cryoskin facial applies cold therapy at -2C to the skin and shows results immediately after one session with dramatic results that last weeks. We can’t stop the aging process, but the Cryoskin Facial helps to slow it down by stimulating collagen production, lifting the face, and visibly reducing wrinkles.
The super cold temperatures cause blood vessel dilation, an increase in microcirculation and thus an increase in nutrient and oxygen flow to the skin. Not only does this help to detox the skin, it also causes an increase in collagen synthesis, skin cell rejuvenation, decreases in pore size and increases in elasticity. Cryoskin facial's anti-aging benefits include restoring firmness, improving radiance and decreasing inflammation, a major cause of aging in the skin.
This treatment can even go as far as to help clients who are suffering from more severe skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It's a perfect choice for right before an event and shows increased results with multiple treatments.
Cryoskin uses science that works with your body’s natural systems. The "Peltier effect" gives Cryoskin precise temperature control, creating the perfect conditions to destroy fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue. This allows your lymphatic system to remove dead cells. When compared to other fat loss alternatives, it’s much less scary.
Some fat loss and cellulite treatments can actually damage your skin. Cryoskin is completely non-invasive, so there’s no risk of scarring or tissue damage. Cryoskin's heating and cooling effect has been found to increase oxygen supply, aiding collagen production. What does that mean for you? No damage, just smoother skin and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.
All gain, no pain. Unlike other fat loss treatments, Cryoskin has all the fat loss benefits without the horrible side effects. In fact, 88% of people surveyed found the treatment to be comfortable-- even relaxing! Want to know the worst side effects that have been reported? A little bit of numbness and a little bit of redness for a couple of days after. No worse than waxing right?
Cryoskin is the perfect complement to a healthy lifestyle. Even those of us who eat well and exercise hit slumps or have trouble areas. Cryoskin helps us lose fat in those stubborn areas. Not only does this help us get over our slump, seeing results is a huge motivator to continue!
Fat cells hate the cold so much, they self destruct at 2C. Cryoskin cools the skin just enough to kill fat cells whilst improving the quality of your skin. A clinical study using ultrasound found a 20% decrease in fat thickness after 5 sessions.
Cryoskin sessions last 20 - 30 minutes, fitting around you and your lifestyle. You won’t need time off for recovery. In fact, Cryoskin is so convenient, you can even have a session during your lunch break!